Hi! Welcome to NexusSTEM, a place

all for free! Made by teens FOR teens ❤️

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So, what do we do?


We beleive that people learn better when doing, not just blatantly following a tutorial. At NexusSTEM, we have lots of STEM related workshops built by the NexusSTEM community and founders. When the STEM community comes together to teach others the way, we beleive that progress is made, and starts building the next generation of STEM innovators!

Free Stuff for Teens & Students

When we give free things to teenagers who are interested in STEM, we help support the next generation of STEM innovators! We like to give out free STEM supplies and tools like Breadboards, STEM-related books, circuitry supplies, masking tape (for those kind of projects), and a whole lot more. Sometimes, we even give a free coffee/beverage every now and then...


We host online coding, technology, math, and science events and competitions to make engaging with STEM more fun and give the chance for more opportunities to learn new skills. We give out free merch to participants and the winners usally get free STEM supplies. Sometimes, we also even throw in some money!